Monday, October 12, 2009

Mod Podge Tutorial

Okay, okay. So here is the promised tutorial.

To begin - where does one buy Mod Podge? Well, it's everywhere. Closer to the city of St. Louis, Bradburn's (a teacher's supply store) has it. However, it can also be found at any Michael's or Hobby Lobby in the area. I suspect it can be found in other places, but I have yet to see it at Target. Maybe Wal-Mart? I suspect that almost any arts & crafts store will have it. Regardless, get yourself over to Michael's or Hobby Lobby and get you some.

So, Mod Podge is very easy to work with. It works like a watered-down glue. Does anyone remember making papier-mache sculptures? And you would soak the newsaper strips in a water and glue mix? That's about the consistency of Mod Podge.

You can get Mod Podge in to finishes - glossy or matte. I always go for glossy, although I've realized over the years that some projects would definitely have worked better with matte. The glossy is very high-shine. If you don't want light reflecting off of it, you may want to go with the matte.

As I said before, it's easy to work with. I used a paintbrush to apply it to whatever I'm working with, but sponge-brushes work great, too - they give it an even finish.

Here is my glue drawer, in my trusty card-catalog.

That's right, I have three bottles of the grand stuff.

So, you begin by dipping your paintbrush in the Mod Podge. I usually just keep it in the plastic container, but it would be nice to have a bigger-lipped container to dip your brush in. Then, you apply it - just like you would paint!

It goes on pretty thick and white-ish. I would put the paintbrush on it over and over again to smooth it out, but there will be some white left over - and that's okay. It will dry clear.

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial! Right now I just have these pictures of me Mod Podging it up - with a bulletin board border. But soon enough I will take plenty of pictures of me with Mod Podge and paper and other materials.

I'm almost finished with the bulletin board - I'll post the finished project after I get the last thing I need!

For more information, check out this tutorial at An Altered Obsession. Also, there's a whole blog devoted to projects made with Mod Podge. Like shoes. Hmmm...yeah, you should probably check that out.


Kara said...

Finally! Thank you so much for posting this!

Caroline said...

I cannot believe you have a CARD CATALOG. You are awesome. That is all!