Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Crafty Kind of Movie

Okay, okay - I didn't make this. I'll probably never make something like this.

But look at it! How amazing does it look?

Answer: Ridiculously amazing. So watch it and tear up a little (which is what I did).

Some fun facts:

+ I decided to post this on the way to school today, when I was driving in my car, listening to Arcade Fire. The song you hear in the trailer - "Wake Up" - is sung by them. Love it!

+ I think that this is such a crafty-looking movie. The costumes, and the sets, and props...everything. It's just so beautiful looking.

+ This movie comes out on October 16. You will see me there.

+ Check out this blog - We Love You So - which is taken from a line in the book. The content of it is "Wild-Things"ish - things that the creator finds that either have to directly do with the movie, or things that look like Where the Wild Things Are, or just other cool things. So, check it out.

+ Lastly - I was terrified of this book when I was younger. For some reason it scared the beejeezus out of me.

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